Question by email:
Hi Mr. Green,
We want to get triple pane, as you advise. I am looking at Pella and Harvey to keep costs down). However, I am confused as to whether I should trade the R rating advantage and drop to a double pane to improve the SHGC and VT ratings for the Southern facing windows. (I live in Boston Metro-West).
Right now, all the triple panes are coming in at:
U of .21-.23, SHGC .23-.24, and VLT .40-.43
If I go double pane I get:
U .28, SHGC .28 and VLT .53.
So, is the loss in U a good trade off for an increase in solar passivity and light for South facing windows? Your book spoke to this, but I seem stuck with the numbers I am getting, which differ from your options.
Also, Harvey had a triple pane casement half price from Pella, but its VLT of .33 instead of .43. — Is .33 noticeably darker?
Thanks for the advise.
My answer:
I think the difference in SHGC is modest and not a big deal in this decision. Installing an arbor with deciduous plants over it on the south side will provide much more difference than the SHGC difference. The arbor/plants will provide shade in summer and not shade in the winter so the winter sun warms your house. An overhand of 3’ at approx 9’ high does the same thing. Hence arbor plus triple glazed is a better combination. Alternatively a semi-transparent curtain will have a similar effect in rejecting some of the summer sun. This will be far more effective than the small difference in SHGC.
VLT is 0.33 is definitely noticeable from 0.43. See the pictures of windows with different VLTs in the book on page 116. The VT is written on the glass and varies from 0.57 (top left) to 0.53 bottom right. These are all considerably brighter than 0.43. I estimate that 0.43 will look quite dark and noticeably green and the 0.33 will look something like a car window. I suggest getting samples from the manufacturer before deciding.
I hope this helps!
David Green – the “Green Guru”
Useful links:
The Easiest Way to Calculate Your Home’s Carbon Footprint:
Written Answers to over 300 Questions about Zero Carbon Homes:
Finance and Net Zero Energy Terms explained:
Zero Carbon Home Website Home Page:
Database of State Incentive for Renewable Energy (DSIRE)
Published articles on Zero Carbon and Net Zero Energy:
Department of Energy, EnergySage, “Zero Carbon Home”
Zero Energy Project, “My Zero Energy Retrofit beats my 401k”
Cool Effect, “Mr. Green’s Zero Carbon Home”
Green Energy Times, “My Zero Energy Pool is a Great Investment!”
Published Presentations on Zero Carbon Zero Bills:
To see a 3-minute interview of David Green by NBC Boston anchor Joy Lim Nakrin, please click here:TV interview
To see a 20-minute TED talk at Harvard Business School, please click here: TED Talk
You can watch a recorded version of my Zero Carbon, Zero Bills webinar here: Zero Carbon, Zero Bills Webinar
Reviews of my “Zero Carbon, Zero Bills” webinar included, “Minute-for-minute, point-for-point, one of the best webinars I have ever attended. Thank you!”, “David is a true inspiration and asset to our community. He inspired us to get solar panels and a new front door”, “This is like a masterclass in ZeroCarbon”, “Thank you soooo much for the sensible advice and your fabulous resources!!” and, although this next comment is a little flowery, it does express the sentiment of many other comments, “Your contribution to Greening America is great and will probably help our survival as a species a bit longer than expected”.