Copyright © 2018-2025 David Green. All rights reserved. No part of this publication, electronic (including recorded music and lyrics) or printed, may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. All commercial use is prohibited. All photographs and illustrations are copyright © David Green, unless otherwise credited.
If you download any material from this website, including software generated reports on houses or other buildings, you are accepting these terms and conditions.
Any downloaded material (including reports) is exclusively for the private and personal use of the homeowner who requested it, it is not for use by corporations, bots, installers, manufacturers, lenders or service providers. All commercial use is prohibited. Scraping of data from this software or website is prohibited. This information is confidential to the addressee and is copyright Zero Carbon® LLC.
This analysis assumes that your house’s energy use per square foot is average for homes in MA. This may not be correct for your house. We use 5% as the minimum ROI that makes financial sense. This may not be right for you.
This information, including inputs, algorithms and outputs is owned by Zero Carbon® LLC and is not to be copied or distributed. You may not copy, decompile, reverse engineer, modify, or create derivative works of this software or this report. Zero Carbon® LLC has the right to use and publish the data submitted, for example in case studies, to promote the adoption of energy-efficiency measures. All such data will be anonymous.
David Green, your coach and Zero Carbon® LLC is/are not: providing investment, tax, financial or legal advice; recommending particular manufacturers, retailers or installers; soliciting or reviewing bids from installers; installing equipment or providingservices; providing any warranty or guarantee of results; or accepting any liability for loss or damages attributed to the use of these recommendations.
These estimates are only as good as the data you provided or obtained from third-party sources, garbage in = garbage out. These estimates are intended to assist you in making decisions around cutting energy use, cutting bills and cutting carbon-dioxide emissions, they are not predictions. Please see the book Zero Carbon® Home and website for further information. If you need help interpreting these estimates, or want a more accurate version of the report (that uses your actual energy use rather than assuming it is average per square foot multiplied by the square footage of your house), please contact me: email David Green
For permission requests, contact David Green at: email David Green
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The books, website (including blog posts), website downloads, webinars and other form of communication (including the author’s answers to people’s questions in any form, written or oral) refer to the author’s opinions and experience with energy efficiency improvements, investing, tax, finance and regulations but neither the author, nor Zero Carbon® LLC is giving investment, tax, financial or legal advice, nor offering any warranty or guarantee of results.
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All trademarks are property of their respective owners.
The mark Zero Carbon® is a trademark of Zero Carbon® LLC registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office with numbers 5,730,207 and 5,944,678. Use without the written permission of Zero Carbon® LLC may be a violation of law. In addition, the trademark has been recorded with the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol to prevent the importation of articles bearing unlicensed versions of the trademark. For permission requests contact: email David Green